Well, they wrote a book. Yes, that book...right down there and asked for a few readers to do a review for them. Guess what, I was one of them. So here we go.
- I know this is so petty but I love the art work. It is super cute and I have a thing for owls.
- It is very very very VERY and did I say VERY practical for the every day mom who is striving to "go green". So many times, new "green" mom's get totally overwhelmed by the the whole thing. These girls slowly lead you into being more green. They have also broken it up into some simple categories for you to refer to.
- Did you know I am pretty frugal. Yes, me! I have a difficult time spending money and am always looking for a way to save a penny. LOTS of ideas in here. Not only are you saving money but saving the environment. I wish I had this guide when I was "gearing" up to have my first baby. I, like many other new mom's, was sucked into the "you HAVE to have this" mentality. This book totally breaks it down for you...what you need and what you don't. Plus, they show you how to save on what you need.
- The cloth diaper debate is always a hot topic. These girls do a great job at winning that debate fair and square. The charts on how much money cloth diapering saves you prove their point. I will be referring to this in the future for new mom's who aren't sure which way to go.
- Great chapter on cloth diapers. I know I am bias towards cloth diapering but seriously, this has to be one of the best "cloth diapering 101's" that I have ever seen. I love how they describe each type of diaper and even give diagrams as to how to cloth diaper a baby.
- Food! Even though I am now feeding baby #3, I still need new recipes. I forget what you should be feeding the baby at what time. There are some great recipes and guidelines that have been very helpful over the past few weeks for me.
- Love how they end the book. "Ten simple things you can do for the planet right now (and four difficult ones). I thought I knew it all but there are a few things I can do better.
- I will start by saying, this book rocks. I really really enjoyed it and have learned a few things. I also didn't expect them to cover EVERY topic out there so here a just a few suggestions...
- Breastfeeding. I wish when I started nursing all those years ago someone had encouraged me to nurse my baby until she was ready to stop. Now don't get me wrong, I did but I never really felt like anyone supported me. All the books I read said, "nurse your baby for at least 6 months and up to a year". After I hit that year point, it felt like everyone was looking down on me for nursing my baby...like it was gross or something. That being said, I would have really like a little more focus put on breastfeeding. They totally did talk about it being more green and beneficial but didn't talk about extended nursing much. One of the author's did nurse well over a year but I would have liked them to talk more about child-lead weeing and the benefits of it.
- What about postpartum depression or the baby blues? Natural ways to help with these and when it is time to talk to the doc. Yes, I know this isn't a "green" issue but I do feel like we over medicate at times and I have spent lots of my own time looking for some natural ways to help with depression.
- Would have loved a little more on the baby food thing. Reviews on food processors?
Now for the fun part!
Would you like a copy of this book? Here's how you can win one. You can enter up to five times!! Just leave a separate comment each time.
- Leave a comment stating how YOU have become more green since having a baby (or becoming pregnant).
- Visit the green baby guide, take a look around and let me know you did so.
- Follow my blog...
- Write about this giveaway on your blog and link me the post
- Link this giveaway on facebook or twitter.
i am more green since i've stopped showering.
wait, that came out wrong.
i follow your blog.
i visited the green blog. and seriously? baby food brownies? eeeewwwww.
tweet, tweet.
I am more green since I started using Cloth Diapers... and feeding my peops locally. And stuff.
I follow.
Mmm hmm. Baby Potty training. I know a couple people who swear by it. Like, from birth. I looked around the GBGuide.
FBed about it... you know where to check...
What a beaut giveaway, thanks! I am following your blog & since having my baby I made all his modern cloth nappies and bought some too. Love MCN's!
HI. I'm Hanna. And Pamela is a cheater. She tweeted twice. So I am going to tweet and FB about this. So there :P
YUP! I linked you in ma blog. And I'm drunk.
See? That's multitasking right there.
PS-This being drunk thing doesn't happen everyday or even every month. SO don't JUDGE... I've had a bad week.
I am following your blog, since having my third, I have started cloth diapering, using less toxic chemicals, making home made laundry detergent, and recycling more....and getting the kids involved too.
We have done a 180 in our home since my daughter was born 18 months ago. Probably our biggest baby-related contribution was deciding to cloth diaper.
In general though we have just become so much more aware of what we eat and the environmental impact of our possessions and actions.
akotecki at gmail dot com
I make my own baby food.
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