1. You start with finding some CD's that work for you. We use Kushies when the kiddos are younger (they are cheap and easy) and fuzzibunz when the kids get a little bigger (they are less bulky, very absorbent, and they cannot pull them off) . Recently, we have started using some gdiapers with Addy. They are also really convenient and my hubby thinks they are the easiest (we do use cloth inserts in them...not the disposable).
2. Make some cloth wipes. These are easier than you think. Buy a yard or two of flannel, wash it, and cut it into the shape of wipes. Store them in an old wipes container with a little baby oil and water (we use burts bee's baby oil because it smells delicious). Just wash them with your CD's.
3. Store your dirty CD's in a garbage can in your nursery. There is no need to buy a wet bag for this, just use a garbage bag (and reuse it).
4. Speaking of dirty diapers: How do you deal with those poopies? Well...I there are two ways you can deal with them. 1) you can buy some flushable liners and use them when you think your baby may poop, or 2) you can swish the diaper with the nasty poopies in the toilet for a few minutes and store in your diaper pale. You don't have to scrape it dry, just get about 75% of it off. Most of the time, the poopies will just fall off in the potty...no biggy. For baby mustard seed poop, there is no need to do anything. Just wash them.
5. Wash your diapers AT LEAST once a week. I do a load of diapers at least 2 times a week being that I have two in CD's right now. To wash your diapers just throw them in the washer add a small amount of detergent (or soap nuts) and add an extra rinse cycle. Make sure you don't use fabric softeners or free and clear.
6. LINE DRY them. They smell so much better this way. Plus this is one of my most favorite sights to see. I know, I am weird, but I love the sight of CD's hanging on the line. If you live in the North like me, you can use a drying rack in the winter months. The other added plus to this is a lot of your stains will come out with some sun! Know it will not hurt your diapers to throw them in the dryer either.
7. Cloth diapering out and about: just put your dirty ones in a plastic bag or wet bag and throw in the washer when you get home. It is just as simple as disposables. Now, some day cares, church nursery's don't allow kids to wear CD's so check with your before sending them with the kiddos. I am not saying this is right at all and I think you should protest it, but check first!
Hope this helped some. Know that MOST of my information is from my BFF Jocelyn. She has mentored me in my CDing experience! I would love to answer more questions if you have them!
Hmmm, who has been asking you so many cloth diapering questions?? :)
About the BAD people who write policies that you can't send babies with cloth diapers to the church nursery: I think they are dumb. Because in away from home situations, cloth diapers are easier than disposable. Let's say, worst case, BIG major poppy diaper. Um, take it off, roll it up, put it in a bag. You don't even have to throw it away and stink out the garbage can.
So, be a policy changer, like me!
Man, I give you a lot of credit.
being that I used "sposies" with the boys and then switched to gdiapers with Alaina and ultimately using cloth in them at home, I would say the hardest part was
a) choosing doublers for them
b) how to wash them
thanks for the tips Kara!
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