Miss Kylie started figure skating today. She thought she woudl just go out on the ice and be able to jump and spin and boy was she surprised when this didn't happen. Even so, she really did do a good job. At one point she came off the ice, crying, because she was so cold. After some persuading from her teacher and myself, she went back out and stayed until her little legs just couldn't skate anymore. She really did a fine job at staying balanced and was VERY cautious, only taking little baby steps on the ice. No problems here with that. This mommy's heart was POUNDING the whole time. Just watching those little kids fall with their heads bouncing off the ice was enough for me. As we left, Kylie told another mom that she was going to sleep in the car because she was way to sleepy. Sure enough, she fell asleep as soon as we started driving.
After the ice skating experience we headed off to my nephews 4th b-day party. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, but I did manage to get a pic of the pillow I made for him. I got the idea from one pretty thing and it was super easy to make. A few more may be made soon for two little ones living under this roof! I love how they can move the letters around to spell anything they want!
Cool pillow!
Cute skater.
hey what the heck is your email address? Just write me an email so I can respond back to you.
Hi Kara! My daughter is 2 1/2. These can be worn as shirts as well as your little one grows. Probably up to age 6! Or over leggings as you said. Your kids are adorable.
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