Monday, December 13, 2010

Felt...oh how I love thee TUTORIAL

The other day I was thinking about the church I grew up in. I was remembering the felt board my teacher used to teach us the stories of Jesus. Who didn't want to be the one who was called to place baby Jesus in the manger or put the crown on Jesus' head?

Anyways...felt was fun! And it still can be fun!

I thought about making my own portable felt boards. You know, so the kids can bring them to the doctors office or to a restaurant. We also do a lot of traveling over the holiday's and we are always looking for car ride entertainment. And don't forget Christmas gifts! I have a number of small people in my life who would love to play with some felt!

So here it little portable felt board tutorial!

Felt in all sorts of colors (I bought it by the yard because it was %50 off and MUCH cheaper)
scissors (regular and crafty ones)
cookie cut outs

Step one: Cut out your background. Mine is about 12X12. Then make scenes to go with it. I made water and hills for the boys and hills and rocks for the girls.
Step two: Find your fancy cookie cutters. I got this whole bin on a giveaway table at church and pick out some fun shapes. Trace on felt and cut out.

Step three: You can either make a small little pouch for your felt pieces or just get a baggy for them. Roll up your background and tie with a ribbon...

Step three: Find a small person to play with it.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

Did you put the 12x12 on cardboard or something? Is rolling it a lot easier?

We have a felt board too and the kids LOVE it! It is so much fun.

One of the most fun things we've done is make felt pieces for songs we know. Then they sing the songs and put the felt pieces on.